Friday, August 5, 2011

I become whole again (a five minute post)

It's Friday, dear friends, over at the Gypsy Mama, and Lisa-Jo creates space for us to let our words fly free and joyful. On Fridays, we write for just five minutes without editing, without second-guessing, and we let ourselves listen to the clacking of keyboards and the promise of something beautiful emerging.

Come join us, and let your words fly free, too?

This week the prompt is: whole.

I'm panting up the hill and my runner's high keeps my legs moving, propelling me forward. I feel my mind zigzag through this busy week, this week of standing at crossroads looking at the ones less taken and more often taken and wondering if there's ever going to be clarity for the broken halves of answers in my heart, answers for all these jagged questions that poke and prod my mind.

And as I reach the crest of the Hill I feel His spirit touch the windowpane of my heart and suddenly He's there, right there, and I'm telling him about all the things I've done this week, all the forgetting of joy and the complaining, the choosing to regret and second guess and doubt, and I'm whispering to the waving branches and the rabbit dashing into the field on my right that I forgot Him in the midst of all that broken self.

And I hold open my sweaty palms - white against the darkening sky, and I cast my eyes up in front of me where the sun is blazing its way down beneath the horizon and I feel it again, that movement, that wind in my heart that says, wait for me, Hilary and I am running home faster than I've ever run before because it's all new again, and He is here in this moment with the heavy weight of blessing and the waiting is a promise. And the waiting is a promise.

I round the corner and feel my muscles burn as rush into the house and I beam out a smile that comes from my toes upwards, because the broken selfish pieces of me I left with are miraculously made whole by His hand on my heart and His voice that holds me close as I run home.



  1. Those God moments are incomparable, huh? :) What an encouraging post!

  2. "He is here in this moment with the heavy weight of blessing and the waiting is a promise. And the waiting is a promise."

    Loved this, Hilary. I love your spirit. You are a ray of light, with your beautiful faith, and beautiful words... you inspire, sweet friend... ;)

  3. Thank you for writing! You painted a beautiful picture- I could see and feel the WHOLE thing! Enjoy your weekend in DC!

  4. Such truth in your message and one I need to hear over and over again. Thank you for sharing! Beautiful!

  5. Your post is very uplifting! Your words are so beautiful, they made me feel whole. :-)

    Take care and God bless!


  6. Wonderful post! I love how God is always with us and we are never alone. He is always waiting to meet with us.

    Bless you!

  7. Hey Hillary! I have not been by here for awhile and as always, love your words!

    Isn't it neat, how He meets us while we are 'busy' doing other things! It is like He is saying, "Finally!"

    Love this!

  8. beautiful as usual hilary. thanks to your writing, i officially feel like a runner [which i am definitely not] :)

  9. awesome. i hear that lots of runners have amazingly clear thoughts (and hear from God) when they run. kinda makes e want to run... kinda. ;)

  10. That is beautiful writing. I haven't yet accepted the challenge. I'm a scary-cat. First I wonder if I can do it, then I wonder ... well I know I will have to edit much sooooo the fear stops me. For now anyway.

    Love your post!

  11. Oh, how we need Him.....and those simple reminders of HIs love and grace. thankful.

  12. Love this today. Oh what a wonderful description of His touch in our lives. visiting from Gypsy Mama today!


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