Friday, July 22, 2011

All the fullness (a five minute post)

Lisa-Jo over at the Gypsy Mama asks us to write, no editing or worrying about if it's right, if we've chosen the perfect word or sentence... just to let our words shimmy out of us and into the world, bringing sunshine with them. Won't you join us? This week we're writing about "Full."

For as long as I've been in college full means too full. It means a heavy and loaded schedule that groans under the weight of classes and work and meetings and then the preparation for the meetings and where is the room for the dreaming? For the last minute spontaneous coffee dates with friends? Full has meant overwhelmingly full, achingly full, full of things to do and become. Full is the laundry list of responsibilities and full is the worrying sense of guilt that I'll do none of them perfectly and even that I'll forget something in the midst.

But something keeps shifting it for me, the definition slipping from my overachieving fingers back into what it wants to be. Now fullness means full of Him. Now fullness means a heart that overflows and expands to listen and love and guard the ones I love. Fullness means a head that spins with the images of the manna from Heaven:

the beads of condensation on a cold glass of iced tea
the laughter of a friend over dinner
the realization on a long trek of 6 miles that your body is a miracle
the yearning to finish the next page of the book because you can't put it down
becoming 21
listening to the sound of the fans breathing

And it is all manna and it is all goodness and if I just eat it, put my hands up to the sky and say thank you and eat, and trust that it's really good food... then fullness is a word about joy.



  1. beautiful word pictures! praying for my own head to "spin with the images of manna from heaven" this very day. thanks for the imagery.

  2. "fullness is a word about joy"...

    Isn't it, though? When we open our eyes to all the gifts?

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  3. Beautifully written. I agree with you that 'filling our lies up' does not leave us full. Fullness comes from Him.

  4. That last paragraph is powerful and beautiful. full = joy = full

  5. You always put words to exactly what I'm thinking. How exactly do you do that so well, friend?

  6. I love that you're learning that! Fullness means a head that spins with the manna from heaven. Good stuff. :)

  7. love love love this. made my heart swell in agreement and praise of Him


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